ice storm love stories
"turkey" enchiladas, fruit salad, some chewy ginger cookies
Thoughout the dream, the weather is cold, slushy, snowy, icy.
Up at my parents' house, but it's a Scooby Do style mansion, rather than their actual house. We're there for a party maybe, but then it turns out that we're REALLY there for an intervention with this young lady. She's probably 19, skinny, very short blonde hair. She's having none of it, so we all retire, but it's my job to sleep with her (just in the same bed, not hanky panky). I put her in my patented sleeper hold from when I did crazy kids care. She struggles mightily for a while but then finally gives up. We go to sleep (or I do, at least). When I wake up, I think she has turned into G___________, the skinhead lad I met at Todd's store back when. MIldly erotic, but I convince myself that I'm here to help, not to get it on.
Time to go. Get on my bike, not really looking forward to riding in the slush. I make it down to the west gate, the slush is very deep. I get off my bike and wait there for Austen. SHe comes flying by and I think misses me entirely. I run out after her, get her attention when she's already over at Hoffmantown. But I forgot my bike back at the gate house. I slog back. There, I meet some other guys on bikes, and one of them swaps me my mountain bike for a wierd, tiny bike that I realize I have to recline on. I pull out onto Ventura, but then realize that the other cars can't see me. I'm trying to stay in control in the 8 inch slush. I swerve around and get over to the north side of Hoffmantown.
But I'm down on the street and Austen is up in the parking lot. The intervening driveway is much longer and higher than I remembered, and it is an ice flow. It cascades down the driveway in foot-thick rivulets. The rivulets are individually colored, a rainbow striped sea of ice. (cf. the cast pyrex sculpture at the UNMAM) I try to climb up, maybe I even have some sort of hammer I try to employ to grip the ice. But I get nowhere and Austen is mocking me.
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