two years of my dream log
A little over two years recording nearly all of my remembered dreams here. I'm suprised at how many MORE there were in 2006 than in 2005. I'd say about 3/4 of entries were from the second year. And I feel like I have a lot to work with now, to look back at. There's a huge amount of raw data, frankly, that I can sift through and pull apart. Certainly I think I can draw some strong lines between my diet (particularly high acid foods, dairy, and booze) and general ferocity of dreams. And I would like to chart out some calendric details, too. What days of the week do I tend to have dreams (that I remember, anyhow)? Of course, that will fold back into my diet, too, since we, for instance, almost ALWAYS have pizza on Wed, and I almost ALWAYS drink alcohol on Thursday evenings, and so forth. Can my dreams that I record on Monday mornings be textured against whether we ate at our house or at MarJar's?
And I'd like to chart out themes in general, too. A recent comment on the log here (cheers, Austin) hit the nail on several: transportation, movement away from danger toward safety, and violence. "Lots of death," I believe the actual comment was, but I would suggest "Lots of violence" would be more precise, although there are instances of death, too: my murder of the girl in the market and the guy taking a face full of steel rail on the rooftop spring to mind as rather strong images right off the bat.
But I think that over time my dreams have shifted and probably nowadays it is me committing more violence than being the victim of it, as was the case in years past. But I think that this is a good thing, in all reality; my facile memory suggests that most of the violence I commit in my dreams is reactive, and even righteous in many cases, rather than sadistic. Whereas when I dreamt constantly of being hunted, it was usually malign beings pursuing me with "reckless hate" and I was helpless to stop them. With a few exceptions, I'm thrilled to death to be the one messing the other guy up-- they're MY dreams, after all.
And I'm glad to look back and see a lot of dreams with far more noble themes, too. I dream about my friends a lot; I dream about trying to do my job well (even if all of those dreams seem to be hugely frustrating! but I'm always really trying, and that's a very real-life dream for me); I dream about nobility and loyalty in my dogs.
And I dream about combating fascism. Praise Allah.
Of course, I also dreamed about a deific avatar raping a catatonic old woman.