Monday, November 05, 2007

can i get a dentist in here?

grilled cheese & tomato soup at mar jar, followed by some rice crispy treats & her fudgy bar things

I'm at the house (a wierd concoction of my parents', the wolf's place, and la cueva high school), where all of us live. I think that maybe we all have some amount of super powers. But that's all on the DL. In any case, I'm trying to do a little yard work [mom & dad's backyard], pull our some old, expired sunflowers along our property line. The fratboy jock assholes from next door come over, complaining that we're ruining their view, apparently they like the dead sunflowers. [note, they came from the chen's place, cf dad's yard work causing issues back when I was young?]

I go back inside, [Wolf's back porch/door] and I see Jason Wolf, maybe still dressed up as me, asleep on a bed in a room with a window that looks out onto the hallway. I go in to wake him up, I think. [narrative gets lost here...] Part of the house looks like the La Cueva cafeteria.

I take off for Dr. Simm's, I plan on doing like I always do: go in, tell Natalie from Facts of Life, who works the front desk, that I'll be back in a room, find myself an operatory, settle in, and do my own cleaning. But when I get there, Natalie is nowhere to be found. I don't want to just walk into the operatories, don't want to disturb anyone. Through closed doors I can tell that there are two meetings going on, probably the staffs of the two doctors that practice here. Natalie must be in one of the meetings. Forget it. I'm ready to take off, but up at the front now there's a couple of cops. Not certain where they came from, what they want. I try to play it cool.


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