Thursday, November 08, 2007

by plane or by boat

Brickyard pizza with olives and bell peppers, water, a few beers

I'm travelling with my parents and maybe others, a tour, in North Africa somewhere, but the visual setting is mostly my parents' house. It's time for the tour group to move on to Spain. We had a choice during the planning stages, whether to take a flight or a boat to Spain. Everyone chose the plane, so I chose the boat, figured it would be a neat experience and give me a little time alone in the middle of the trip.

But now the days is here, and I realize I never even told my family that I'm doing the boat instead, and I start to think that maybe the plane is a better choice, as far as time and just sticking together. Yes, I'll take the plane, after all. I'm all packed, [my suitcase is really my brown tweedy one, but twice the bulk, a pretty serious monster] and putting my stuff into the car. But wait, will I even be able to get a place on the plane now? Is it too late? I tell my mom what's up, and she's pretty aggravated. She asks if I'm sure that I even did the boat thing, or am I actually supposed to be on the plane?

That's a good question. I can't find my personal itinerary. Am I remembering wrong? Did I think better of it back then and am actually booked for the flight? Maybe I can go on the computer and call it up to check. I go in and sit down at my mom's computer, but how do I log in? What's the name of the tour company, even? Does anybody remember? I rip through my suitcase, trying to find a brochure. Time's a wastin' and my family is due at the airport, which looks like a dock, all whitewash and rounded industrial forms. The frustration is overwhelming.


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