Dream 2: Exotic fezzes at the hoedown
See previous dream.
I'm at a gathering in the large yard & fields behind a country house. I think it's a gathering of Masons mainly, but there are others there, too, including Jolene from 66. I want to talk to her about working at Chama RIver Brewing Co, but she wants to play a game and makes me chase her out to the barn to get the scoop. Very flirty.
Later, we're back amongst the crowd, and two old guys are telling stories about a woman who had recently passed, who had been of great service to the community and to the various Masonic bodies in the area. One of them recounts when she was presented with the Crook of the Good Shepherd. They have two fezzes that were hers, I suppose, and they're showing them around. One is red with white stitching, which I don't get a very good look at. The other is a deep cornflower blue and has (four?) thin vertical strips of fleece running up the sides. Later I see the red fez more closely and it has what looks like a Moose emblem thinly embroidered onto the back, but it might be angelic wings, rather than moose antlers.