Thursday, February 10, 2005

target practice

bagel sandwiches, green salad, water, cherry popsicle

[this narrative begins some ways along in the dream. i forgot the rest.]

A neighborhood feud involving three plots of land, I am at one end, and in league with the house on the other. The property in the middle is the problem. It is sort of a strip of storefronts, rather like a row of junk shop stalls or a flea market. The feud has escalated and we are targeting anyone who shows up there now. Some minor exchanges had occured between the junk shops and the far house, but I creep out of my house, hiding beind cars, with a high powered air rifle [does such a thing exist?]. Two women are walking down the row of shops, I sight through my scope and shoot one of them in the neck. She cries out and hits the ground, her friend kneels to help her. I duck back below a car, but when I look through underneath it, I see the friend running up the sidewalk toward me, she yells, "Who has done this horrible thing that is so horrible?" I toss my rifle under a car, but I can't seem to move fast enough to get around the end of the car and obscure myself from her view, I know she is going to find me.

I started awake.


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